Writer’s Quote Wednesday

Writer’s Quote Wednesday is a weekly feature where I delve into famous writer’s words of wisdom and share how I have interpreted the meaning for my own creative endeavors to maybe help inspire yours!



Understand me. I am not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul.

Nutshell. Me. This.

Seriously though this Charles Bukowski quote resonates so deeply with me and my experience, not just as a writer but as an individual in general.

We are all our own world’s floating in each other’s orbits to quick to judge substantial or lifeless based on assumed atmosphere. It can be so hard to find those who will truly immerse themselves in your world, to get to know the real you and the why and reasoning of your true and real point of view.

Creatives have it harder in this career of subjection and almost instant opinion. People see with their eyes and judge with their minds our heart and soul. We put it out there to be so criticized but deep down hope that it will be at lease with as much feeling as went in.

Emotional understanding could go such a long way in the world of art.

I’m not saying we artist need to be coddled – far from it! – but it is important to at least try to gauge a considerate POV. By that I mean we cannot, and should not, always be coming from our soul perspective.

We exist as individual’s among individuals and it is important to remember that what offends us isn’t always the case of intent. What makes us feel good may very well be another’s cup of poison.

As I a talking about art in many forms I just can’t help myself from using the expression “different strokes”…;p

I could write an entire dissertation on the importance of context…however I will spare you the annotated rant and, like a good edit, cut down to the meat.

I can’t stand when people watch, read, interpret, and judge from sheer reaction. Yes it is great that said medium achieves such strong emotion – isn’t that what we artist are looking for to some extent? To move another with our art, to be able to invoke some type of emotional response? – but please, I implore you, save your complete decided sentiment for the end, or better yet why not take in the whole picture before you decide to disregard it completely based on a corner, one character, one reaction, deed, response, etc?

I can’t say if people like watching things with me or not, because I’m always putting into perspective the bigger picture when they decide to go off because they hated the way someone acts. I can’t just sit idly by – even if I agree with not liking the character on the whole – I feel a responsibility to the creator to describe the motivation beyond the presented. To remind them of the necessity of certain plot points, arch’s, repercussions, and ripostes.

A good case and point – as I just recently watched the original 1975 version – is the Stepford Wives. Now this novel and film are both presented as sci-fi/horror, that alone should indicate the speculative omen of content. I mean anyone who knows anything about sci-fi at all knows that they’re all really just cautionary tales about where the present leads the future if something does not change. It’s predominantly social commentary in fantastical settings and dubious circumstance.

Yet feminists threw an umbrella at the director!

How utterly ridiculous and tone deaf…and I say this as a loud and proud feminist! I mean if anything this movie was pro-feminism. It took toxic masculinity and exposed it for the  corrupt and pointless evil that it is. Is shoved sexism and that bullshit concept of what a women’s place is in the face of the viewer, but in the most brilliantly subtle of ways, but for the robots, it was all so relevantly normal. This was a necessary tactic for it allowed the theme to crawl under the skin of the viewer and make them uncomfortable because it was so easily recognizable as the norm, and maybe they were even guilty of perpetuating it themselves so they would have to look at that discomfort and change as not to become a proud member of the creep-o man club who’s goal in life is to make it with a sex doll who acts like their mommy.

How could you not get that? I mean how could you by any stretch of the imagination and perceiving mind take any of this as condoning unequal gender roles? It real blows my mind that people base opinion on sheer reaction and rarely bother to take the time to understand the message beyond.

We don’t create to be obvious but to push limits, to expose truths in artfully deceptive intrigues, subtle plotting, and conspiring subtext. This takes too much time and effort to have it be judged unfairly by a blatant folly or surface intent.

If I could I would go around shaking people – however that is frowned upon – reminding them of the importance of context, subtext, and reading between the lines, and not just in art but everyday life!

Rare is the person, the encounter, the exchange, or engagement that is exactly what it seems to you. Humans are vast pools of depth and feeling. We may try to train ourselves differently but we exist as creatures meant to feel. This is where art is so necessary because not every one knows how to naturally go there.

Many don’t want to, don’t like plunging into the depths of there souls. Surface is safe, but I don’t think I have ever played it safe a day in my life.

I go there and want to take other’s with me into my world, want to go there with them, into understanding theirs as well as my own, but not everybody likes that — even though I would never dream of pushing or forcing another to go where they were not comfortable just don’t expect me to wait for you for I refuse to hold my own self back.

I am intense. I am passionate. I am a lot, but after all I am an artist. speculative

Understand me. I am not like an ordinary world. I have my madness, I live in another dimension and I do not have time for things that have no soul.

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