Throwback Post Pick

Throwback Post Pick is a weekly feature where I fling open the vaults of past works – no matter the naivete they reflect – and revel in the making of progress! So come, TBT with me!

Time is a hard thing to grasp when living in the human now. Fate is not a linear concept, what is perfect for you on the whole might be hard to accept in the immediate now.

We want success, we want love, we want happiness, and we want it all now. Desire should be enough, any effort given should be enough, we should be enough, and will use accomplishment to measure this concepts. So if the wishes remain unanswered we begin to believe that all is for not. Dreams dry up, we begin to run on empty and stop.

Something must be out to get us. We must have done something wrong. Must be a bad person, not doing enough, not good enough, wrong, a failure, etc.

We use time to measure our worth and feed self doubt, doubt in faith, in meaning, and what we hold dear.

I myself have fallen victim to wanting something so much, loving something so much, knowing exactly what my purpose was, yet as time passed without seeing its fruition allowing disappointment to fuel insecurity and insecurity feed defeat and hopelessness.

Me, the eternal optimist. I allowed convention and what I thought should be to reflect upon my self-worth and what I loved most in this world. I allowed it to stop me.

I see now so much clearer, I know that nothing is out to get me, no invisible odds stacked against. I am not being left behind. I am forging my way on a path that is meant for me.

Keeping on the theme of the week, change is inevitable in all things. Life goes on, keeps moving, time keeps ticking, and so many intrinsic details are being effortlessly put into place behind the scene to line up perfectly with what is meant for you and meant to be.

We are on a journey and sometimes you think you’re ready before you actually are. We, like the seasons, have cycles that must come full circle before we can grow and move on to the next. It is so important to be present and to not fall victim to your own mindset. To not overly intellectualize what is meant to be felt.

If you stop what is meant for you takes longer to get to you – trust me! It wasn’t the universe that made me stop, it was me thinking that I know better than what is meant to be.

Flow with your seasons and show up for your dreams no matter their timetable, no matter the perceived notion of deadline. You can’t rush the process, you cannot rush mastery, so better to engage and keep partaking, growing, honing what makes you great.



Change In Full Circle

Still, Silent, Steady, Sound,

Fallen, Frozen, Wanted, Found,

A near by reject of all once held holy,

Too close to let go,

So forever am lonely.

Wanting to pray,

Scared of the failure,

Of dreams once held sacred,

Of hopes left unanswered.

Changing of seasons,

I see people forget,

The flow of the motions,

The changing sunset.

For its natural,

It’s ever been present.

How solid the weather an eternal consent.

Like the stars up above,

Like burning hell fire,

I see the selfish act of expectation and I wish to aspire.

To thank for the little bits in each day,

The rewards we are granted disguised as decay.

What may seem dead in the moment can remind us of life.

Can center a spirit and clear up a mind.

The roses will blossom,

Other flowers will bloom.

It will all come full circle,

Even us…if we chose.

~Glory Anna


Charmaine Olivia is a wonderful artist! I particularly love her original wanderings in sketch. Plenty to enjoy and even shop here!

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